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Thursday 26 February 2015


Assalamualaikum , and hai to all my readers. Nowadays,employment opportunities are very limited. Without a high probability skills to get a job opportunity is very difficult. Because the skill is in search of the big companies and factories. Among the skills that meant is problem solving skills, thinking skills.

Before this, I do not know what my short-term goals. So, to overcome this problem, I make research to get data and information. within a few weeks I made a research on google, blog and youtube. Then, a few days ago, I have seen the video that offers a great job skills and employment with a good salary. I think I must watch this video first to make the reflection about my short term goals.

The best job in the world winner video

Surely, this video is totally awesome and very creative presented video. men on this video Ben Southall spent their time to create one of the best video that attract people. He, prove to people nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing

Many thing that i can reflect to myself from this video . I have to start find the strategies where can make my goals achieve as planned. I have to prepare myself to have a self confident as well as i can this because people will look how i planned my self for my future.

so, my short term goals that I want to achieve are, I want to work and besuccessful engineer (Senior Engineer) with networking and electronic company. This are my short term goals that I want to achieve within 3 years from now.  I know I will face many challenges to get my goals but I will accomplish this goal no matter what challenges that I will face. This short term goal are really have connection with the immediate goals and long term goals.  All this goals must have good communication skills, leadership skills and etc. But to get the long term goals, I have to get my immediate goals and short term goals first. This are my short term goals that I want to get in the 3 years. There are no ways to be a successful person without any effort.

My plan on how to meet my goals are, firstly I must work and get experienced on how working world it is. If I don’t work and don’t have experienced, I would know how hard the working world it is. I must work with the company that run this business to get experience.  Even starting from the bottom, I will try my best to get experience. I must have knowledge about this business. So I must go and find people that expert about this sector and learn from them.


  1. assamulaikum hafizi i see you have good for prepare self confident for you .i trust you become senior engineer to achieve your short goals

  2. Salam hafizi..good luck for your future ambition in short term goal...i hope u can realize it with your own strength to show every challengers that u are the best among them including me...And for increase the percentage for u to succeed with your short term goal, u may comply this tip as a guidance:
    1. Make sure your goals are realistic and timely.
    Realistic means a number of things such as making sure that they actually are short-term, and are not ambitious. It's okay to have ambitious goals, but for an ambitious goal, you need simpler short-term goals. Timely means that they have a set time. This is where most goal setters fail. We will often say "I will get it done," but by simply adding on a time and keeping a promise "I will get it done by 8:00 on Tuesday or I'm not watching Matlock." The goal automatically becomes more realistic.
    2. Keep your goals specific
    Especially when they're short-term. "Get good grades in school" is not specific, neither is "Get good grades in 2nd semester Chemistry." Remember, these are short-term goals, be specific: "On Tuesday, from 8-10 pm, study and complete the homework for Chemistry." In this example, each short-term goal of studying and completing homework builds up to a larger goal of receiving good grades. If you provide gap for yourself to travel through, you'll find yourself making excuses to yourself and excepting them.
    3. Bring something simple with you to track your goals.
    Some use technology, a palm pilot, a PDA, but this often creates dependencies. It's tempting to utilize the expensive technology you may possess, but often times it's easier to carry an index card in your wallet/purse with the goals written down. The wallet/purse is used as a suggestion because it is something which people carry around with them everywhere.
    4. Make sure you mark off the goals when they are accomplished.
    This may not seem very important at first, but developing this habit insures yourself that you are actually looking at the list. Often times, these list writers will only look at the list if they're adding to it.
    As my final, i hope that u will success in the future because short term goal will lead for long term goal...good luck jarpiji..:)
