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Monday 2 March 2015


Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs who are into the core businesses involving technology-based industries. They make use of technology to come out with new or innovative products through a process of commercialization. The businesses are generally marked with high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual property. Potential Technopreneurs must be equipped with both technical and business skills. Centre of Proffesional & Continuing Education (CPCE) is the centre responsible for coordinating, promoting, managing and supervising all activities pertaining to technopreneur development and innovation.

                                       TECHNOPRENEURS PERSON

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Shah bin Syed Nor Al-Bukhary born 1952 is the richest Bumiputra corporate figure in Malaysia. With involvement in diversified business areas which include transportation and logistics, plantations, property development, defense and armory as well as engineering and power generation, he has a net worth estimated to be US$2.90 billion according to Forbes,making him the 8th richest Malaysian.

Syed Mokhtar and Zainal started his business in Kedah in the 1990s dealing in rice. More success followed and he moved to rice trading business. He worked even harder after he was awarded the rice trading license from Lembaga Padi Negara, and was later awarded successions of supplier contract government-linked corporations as partner with Zainal Hatim Hj Ambia Bukhary.
As his determination starting to skyrocket, he quickly moved to expand into diversification of other businesses. His next big move was in the logistics business, with initial goal to transport their trading materials. Today, his business empire has grown into areas such as plantation, property development, construction, engineering, power generation, infrastructure and ports.
He owns 51.8% share in Malaysian Mining Corporation via his wholly owned company, Syarikat seaport terminal (johore) sdn bhd,a subsidiary company Syarikat Indra Cita Sdn. Bhd. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal Hatim personally owns SKS Ventures, which was awarded the task of building the site for 2100MW coal-fired power station at Tanjung Bin, Johor. Tan Sri Syed Mohktar has a 32% share in PERNAS through his own company, Syarikat Ratu Jernih. Syarikat Perdana Padu Sdn. Bhd. and Corak Kukuh Sdn. Bhd. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal are board members of Syarikat Bina Puri Holdings Berhad, whereby, on his own, he has 7.34% share. Apart from these, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar and Zainal has varied interest in a number of companies, both in Malaysia as well as abroad.

Reflection (long term)

After observations that I get from Harres Tan is to achieve my goals in the long term, I will strengthen the management of care in terms of time, myself. I will divide the time by when the work, recreational activities, religious and so they are also, free time will I fill with practice what you've learned. The next, I care will also be enhanced to be more confident when the sake of the crowd.

I will also deal and cooperate with other companies in order to share ideas with each other so it will improve the quality of my work. I will also communicate well against other companies.

To achieve my goal I also have to change myself in term of managing myself and managing people. I have to manage my time, my work and my attitude. All of this important to me for become a manager. When I put myself to become a manager of course my work is to manage people. And then I have to make sure my communication skill at a professional level this because I have to deal with people. 

Sunday 1 March 2015


Reflection By Advertisment HONDA

Assalamualaikum to all my blogger, I AHMAD HAFIZI BIN MOHAMED @ AZIZ from KOLEJ KEMAHIRAN TINGGI MARA PETALING want share video and reflection from the video Honda. From the video, I learn many about employability skills. To the knowledge of all my blogger, this world's most expensive video.

Based on the above video,  there employability skills in this video such as:

  • .       Don’t give up

Failed not run in a job, so we will continue to strive to achieve target and goal. We learn from the mistake. From the video, many fail to make the video of mechanical, theory and much more. Do not despair if fail once in a job.

  • .       Creative

The employability skill be need creative. Creative in handling the problem and thinking outside the box. From video, awesome advertisement for users see with a sense of enjoy and creative.

  • .       Confident

Create advertisement of artistic creativity, must believe in yourself and have the support of friends or parents. Designer must be responsible for the creative vision, design and draw interest to the user view.

  •     Planning in strategy

Planning is the process of defining goals and objectives, develop strategies and evaluate results advertisement. This video the planning process begins before and continues after research was conducted.  Usually with the team planning, planning with creative people to determine appropriate advertising strategy.

Honda Hands Advert' - Magic hands take us through 65 years of Honda's vehicular innovations. Shot from the POV of what we assume to be a pair of Honda engineer's hands, this fantastic commercial is said to celebrate the curiosity of the Japanese carmaker's engineers. Starting off with a simple bolt, as a nod to its origins as a part's maker, a series of magical transformations marks the company's various milestones. From Honda motorcycles ( Honda's been the world's largest motorbike maker since 1959) and original NSX (the first all-aluminum monocoque vehicle) to the recent NSX concept, water-emitting FCX Clarity Car and the ASIMO robot

Thursday 26 February 2015


Assalamualaikum , and hai to all my readers. Nowadays,employment opportunities are very limited. Without a high probability skills to get a job opportunity is very difficult. Because the skill is in search of the big companies and factories. Among the skills that meant is problem solving skills, thinking skills.

Before this, I do not know what my short-term goals. So, to overcome this problem, I make research to get data and information. within a few weeks I made a research on google, blog and youtube. Then, a few days ago, I have seen the video that offers a great job skills and employment with a good salary. I think I must watch this video first to make the reflection about my short term goals.

The best job in the world winner video

Surely, this video is totally awesome and very creative presented video. men on this video Ben Southall spent their time to create one of the best video that attract people. He, prove to people nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing

Many thing that i can reflect to myself from this video . I have to start find the strategies where can make my goals achieve as planned. I have to prepare myself to have a self confident as well as i can this because people will look how i planned my self for my future.

so, my short term goals that I want to achieve are, I want to work and besuccessful engineer (Senior Engineer) with networking and electronic company. This are my short term goals that I want to achieve within 3 years from now.  I know I will face many challenges to get my goals but I will accomplish this goal no matter what challenges that I will face. This short term goal are really have connection with the immediate goals and long term goals.  All this goals must have good communication skills, leadership skills and etc. But to get the long term goals, I have to get my immediate goals and short term goals first. This are my short term goals that I want to get in the 3 years. There are no ways to be a successful person without any effort.

My plan on how to meet my goals are, firstly I must work and get experienced on how working world it is. If I don’t work and don’t have experienced, I would know how hard the working world it is. I must work with the company that run this business to get experience.  Even starting from the bottom, I will try my best to get experience. I must have knowledge about this business. So I must go and find people that expert about this sector and learn from them.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Employability can be defined as

‘a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy’

Employability is not the same as gaining a graduate job, rather it implies something about the capacity of the graduate to function in a job and be able to move between jobs, thus remaining employable throughout their life.The USEM model (Knight and Yorke, 2004) outlines employability as four broad and inter-related components:

  • UnderstandingSkilful practices (including deployment of skills)
  • Efficacy beliefs (including students views of themselves)
  • Meta-cognition (including self-awareness and a capacity to reflect on learning) 

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are vital when seeking employment and may be the single most important factor for many recruiters.

Interpersonal skills are the skills we use to interact with other people. Good interpersonal skills allow you to participate effectively as a member of a team, satisfy customers and clients' expectations, negotiate, make decisions, manage your time efficiently, take responsibility, and work effectively with other employees.  Well-honed interpersonal skills allow us to empathise and build rapport with colleagues and clients, leading to a better working environment which can be less stressful.

Communication Skills

Employers look for people who communicate well both verbally and in writing.
If you are either applying for a job or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will need to demonstrate good communication skills. The ability to communicate both verbally and in writing with a wide variety of people, maintain good eye contact, write clearly and succinctly, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience are all essential skills that employers seek out. Good verbal and written communication means you can get your messages across with less chance of misunderstanding.
Similarly, active listening skills involve not only hearing but gaining and understanding information. Listening is a basic requirement leading to fewer mistakes and a greater understanding of the needs of employer and client.  As your career progresses, the importance of communication skills increases since as well as creativity, people skills, and an aptitude for teamwork, the ability to speak and write with clarity and conciseness is essential for managers.

Critical Thinking Skills

The ability to solve problems and make decisions can be a huge asset to your employer and these are therefore desirable skills to develop.
Decision making and problem solving require gathering reliable information, evaluating the information for a variety of solutions and selecting the most appropriate option based on the criteria and situation. Although the ability to solve problems and make appropriate decisions are critical in any job, people with these skills are especially helpful in customer service positions.
The ability to be able to effectively plan and organise means that you, or your team, are more likely to get the job done correctly the first time.  These skills are beneficial to employers as they save time and money. Planning and organisation also require the recording of information (maybe in a report) which can be referred to when planning future projects.
Creative thinkers are innovative and inventive and are more likely to devise new ways of doing things that add value to the work environment, making systems and procedures more efficient.  Creative thinkers can offer new perspectives about the job and the company.

Personal Development

Personal development is all about having the right attitude towards work and the organisation you work for.  Employers look for people who are keen to develop and learn.
Lifelong learners are always valued in organisations. In order to stay ahead of the competition, organisations need to continually learn and develop better ways of doing things. The employee who is open to learning and embraces change will be more successful than the person who is afraid of learning and resistant to changes in the organisation.  Most jobs involve change, some more frequently than others, and employers want people who are adaptable, flexible, and patient, and respond who well to change.  See our pages: Lifelong Learning and Organisational Change for more information.
Personal development is also concerned with how individuals evolve their working practices and attitudes to work.  Self-motivation and confidence are key areas of personal development as is personal appearance and how others perceive you.  Self-management skills, also known as ‘self-control’, are the skills we use to manage our personal feelings and how we react to challenges and problems both at work and in our private lives.  Personal development includes learning to avoid potentially negative emotions such as anger and stress while developing assertiveness and effective negotiation skills.

Presentation Skills

Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill in the work place and presentation skills are required in almost every modern employment area.
Whether you are an administrator, manager or executive, you should expect to present your ideas and findings to your work colleagues and external stakeholders. Presenting information does not just include making formal presentations - information could be presented in the form of notes, reports, research findings, business plans, scenario planning, risk assessments and strategic documents. You may well be asked to give a presentation as part of your initial interview.


Leadership is the ability to influence others toward the achievement of a goal.
Leaders either have, or are perceived to have, strong self-confidence. Leaders are team players, allowing them to work in a group to achieve the best results for their employer. Leaders show social skills by respecting the thoughts, opinions and ideas of others - they gain the respect of others and aim for credibility.
The latest QS recruitment survey (2010) lists the four most important skills sought by executive level recruiters as interpersonal skills, communication skills, strategic thinking and leadership ability. Developing your leadership skills can therefore not only help you to find a senior position, but may also help you to gain promotion with your current employer.

Numeracy (Number Skills)

Numeracy involves an understanding of numerical data, statistics and graphs, and is also part of making decisions and reasoning.
Numeracy skills are very important, irrespective of whether you consider a job to be "working with numbers". Having competence and being confident in working with numbers is a skill that can be used to your advantage in a wide range of employment settings: for example, knowing how profitable a company is, understanding value for money when purchasing and ordering supplies, following a budget or just calculating your holiday time. Being able to understand and analyse data in different formats is considered an essential skill in many organisations.

IT Skills

Most people need some IT skills to find work today. Acquiring basic IT skills and being familiar with using a computer may open up a wide range of employment opportunities and increase your marketability in the workplace.
It is likely that a modern job will require you to be familiar with at least some computer applications. Computer literacy means understanding what computers can and cannot do. Even if you know that you will not be using a computer in your job, it is well worth your while learning some of the basics of information technology, for example how to send and receive emails, use the internet effectively, and use word processor and spreadsheet software.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Permulaan Kejayaan

Hai assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah bru bleh buat blog.

Dah lame nk buat, tapi baru hri ni bru buat. Ni pun hasil belajar dgn Encik Syamputra Razali TP. Terima kasih .

Buat blog ni pun utk mengembangkan lagi bisnes sy iaitu bisnes gadget( powerbank, Gopro, monopod, dll ) In sha Allah.